HuMpY tExT

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ok, what the hell is "humpy text"?

Naming things is hard, but basically this is an example of functional programming - just for fun. When the user inputs text into the textarea, the case of each alternating character is changed, resulting in HuMpY tExT.

About functional programming

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes the use of functions as the building blocks of software. In functional programming, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning that they can be passed around as arguments to other functions, returned as values from functions, and stored in variables.

JavaScript, being a multi-paradigm language, can be used for functional programming. Here are some key features of functional programming in JavaScript:

  1. Pure functions: A pure function is a function that does not modify any external state and always returns the same output given the same input. In JavaScript, pure functions can be created by avoiding side-effects and mutation of data.

  2. Immutability: Functional programming emphasizes the use of immutable data structures. This means that once a variable is set, its value cannot be changed. Instead, new data structures are created to represent modified values.

  3. Higher-order functions: Functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as their output are called higher-order functions. Higher-order functions allow for the creation of more abstract and reusable code.

  4. Recursion: Recursion is a technique used in functional programming where a function calls itself until a base case is reached. This allows for the creation of more elegant and concise code.

How does it work?

HuMpY tExT defines a function called convertArrayToHumpyCaseAndPrint that takes an input string, splits it into an array of characters, applies a series of modifications to each character, converts the array to a string, and then updates the text content of a textarea with the resulting string. Note the descriptive name for the function - which in itself helps the user to understand exactly what is done.

The modifications are performed by the modArray function, which takes an array of characters and applies a series of transformations to each one. These transformations include toggling the case of letters, skipping non-alphabetic characters, and pushing each modified character to a result array. The modArray function uses a functional programming approach, with functions like pipe and reduce to combine a series of smaller functions into a larger one.

The convertArrayToHumpyCaseAndPrint function itself uses the pipe function to chain together a series of smaller functions, including splitChars, logIt, modArray, joinResult, and updateOutput. Each of these functions takes a single input (essential to functional programming) and returns an output, which is then passed as the input to the next function in the chain. The logIt function is used to output the intermediate results of the processing for debugging purposes.

As an aside, the pipe function is written in two fashions - as an arrow function, and also as a "classic" function, just to demonstrate the appearance of both. (The underscore at the end of the arrow function version is simply to use a different name).

// classic function
function pipe(...fns) {
    return function (result) {
        fns.reduce(function (val, fn) {
            return fn(val);
        }, result);

// vs.

// arrow function version
const pipe_ = (...fns) => (accumulator) =>
    fns.reduce((fn, reducer) => reducer(fn), accumulator);

The code also includes event listeners to update the output element when the user enters text into the input element. When the user types into the input field, the modifyText function is called, which in turn calls convertArrayToHumpyCaseAndPrint with the current value of the input field. Finally, the updateOutput function is called to initialize the output element with the default text "Enter some text".

Overall, this code demonstrates the use of functional programming techniques to manipulate data in JavaScript, and how these techniques can be used to create modular and reusable code.

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